Anxious about the current market situation and unsure how to find new clients or negotiate fees assertively
Keen to learn more about different types of interpreting work and ways to refresh or expand your skillset
Unsure how you can have a visible presence on social media and stand out in a crowded market marked by new modes of working
Now for the part you've been waiting for! Here are the amazing speakers we heard from at TerpSummit 2023: The Coopetition Edition.
Aimee Benavides
Tales of Tech Collaboration, Configurations, and Consultation
Gabriela Bocanete
Hearing Health: Back from the Future
Naomi Bowman
Panel on Ethics and RSI
Bahar Çotur
We still need booth manners and teamwork!
Zilin Cui
Panel on Coopetition
Niamh Dee
3 Steps To A Winning Mindset For A 6-Figure Business in 2023
Jonathan Downie
Church Interpreting
Panel on RSI & Ethics
Maha El-Metwally
Preparation in the 21st Century
Cyril Flerov
How Bricks Can Save Your Ears: Hearing Protection in the Age of RSI
Haris Ghinos
ISO 23155:2022: Delimiting conference interpreting in the hybrid and online multilingual meetings industry
Andy Gillies
How to improve your retour language;
Panel on RSI & Ethics
Josh Goldsmith
Tech-savvy branding
Maisie Greenwood
Smart Diversification: having your cake and slicing it wisely; Coopetition Panel
Sian Gu
10 Things I Hate about Marketing
Chris Guichot de Fortis
Interpreting in a sub-optimal state; CPD
Alexandra Hemingway
Co-opetition: working with others while still standing out
Rose Henry
Breath Trust & Change
Michelle Hof
Stronger together
Laura Holcomb One Stop Shop: Expanding what we offer to direct clients
Susie Jackson
Managing your money while staying sane
Florie Lefebvre
Interprète de l'écrit : un nouveau métier qui recrute
Louise Jarvis
Panel on Ethics and RSI
Judy Jenner
Panel on Coopetition
Tatiana Kaplun
Diplomatic Interpreting: Taking the Leap from Theory to Practice
Ruth Kearns
Showing up at your best
Frieder Kuehne
Tinnitus - a not so silent epidemic
Elena Langdon
Language Access and Protection in Healthcare Interpreting
Sue Leschen
Comparing and contrasting court interpreting across the pond!
Sophie Llewellyn Smith
Feeling rusty? How to revive dormant skills
Rachel Luxon Robinson
Breath, Movement, Spirals and the Voice
Darinka Mangino
Preparation in the 21st century
Corinne McKay
Diversifying your interpreting business: the benefits of offering both translation and interpreting services
Lauren Michaels
co>lab: peer practice - an intensive week of work and fun!
Dora Murgu
Panel on Ethics and RSI
Ernest Niño Murcia
Comparing and contrasting court interpreting across the pond!
Nina Okagbue
Panel on Coopetition
Matthew Perret
Trust Is A Must
Julia Poger
Showing up at your best on social media
Alvaro Ramirez
The Interpreter’s Voice VS. Cognitive Overload
Susana Rodriguez
Bettina Roehricht
Overcoming impostor syndrome; A hosted discussion about struggles & imperfections
Jesse Tomlinson
Fee Structure Strategies
Zhao Wei
Friendly to the present moment: experience and re-experience mindfulness
Anne-Laure Gouby
Interprète de l'écrit : un nouveau métier qui recrute
Muriel Boivin
Interprète de l'écrit : un nouveau métier qui recrute
This summit is unique in focusing on interpreters as individuals and business owners. It's a chance to get a comprehensive toolkit for self-care, marketing and professionalisation.
Join us and reap the benefits on your ability to co-opete (is that a word? )!